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Visa Business Classic Debit

Visa Business

Visa Business Classic Debit issued by ProCredit Bank Bulgaria is an international debit card widely used around the world. VISA is accepted in all major trade centres and in most supermarkets, petrol stations, etc. With your VISA Business payWave debit card you can simplify your company’s cash withdrawals and pay for goods and services from suppliers all over the world.

Currency       BGN or EUR
Issue period       3 working days
Card validity       6 years
Limits and fees      In accordance with our  Full Terms and Conditions

How to pay contactless with Visa Business Classic Debit?

  • At the POS terminal or another prominent place within the premises look for the contactless payment sign 


  • When the cashier enters the purchase amount, bring your card to the specified location with the POS terminals symbol
  • Upon completion of the transaction, the terminal emits an audible and light signal
  • If the purchase is up to EUR 50,00, entering the card’s PIN code is not required
  • No signature is required regardless the amount.

  • Using your Visa Business Classic Debit provides a variety of advantages for your company. Discover the benefits available to your business when you use Visa to handle corporate expenses here;
  • Contactless payments for amount up to BGN 100;
  • You shop for goods and services with no additional charge in shops throughout Bulgaria, abroad or on the Internet;
  • You get free registration for ProCredit Bank’s online banking service - ProB@nking;
  • You can access your company’s funds at all times, without having to carry cash with you;
  • Every purchase made with VISA is recorded - allowing you to keep close control of transactions made using the card;
  • You save time by automatically paying your company’s electricity, phone, water, Internet and other bills without the need to visit a branch of the bank;
  • You can control your funds using our online banking service: ProB@nking - you can order cash withdrawals, as well as keep track of all movements on your business account;  
  • On your request an additional card can be issued to an employee with a credit limit set by you. This is suitable for companies involved in haulage, transportation services, wholesalers, etc.; 
  • Card services are available in all ProCredit Bank branches in Bulgaria, guaranteeing peace of mind and quick customer service;
  • On request you can take advantage of an overdraft;
  • Visa Business payWave cards are fitted with a chip, which gives added protection from abuse.

Only you can authorise transactions made with the card by entering your PIN.

Safety recommendations for operating ProCredit Bank's banking cards on an ATM:

  • If you are performing the operation abroad, please be mindful whether the  logo, which is also attached to your card, is present on the ATM
  • It is strongly recommended to give preference to ATMs located  in a branch of a bank
  • When entering your PIN, please cover the keyboard with your hand and do not allow others see your code
  • Do not forget your card in the ATM slit
  • If you observe anything wrong during the process, you can cancel it by pressing the CANCEL button
  • If the ATM withholds your card, please contact the issuing bank immediately. The contact phones are indicated on the ATM
  • Do not trust persons who offer to help you and may ask you to repeat the process by entering your PIN code.

Safety recommendations for using the banking cards of ProCredit Bank on the Internet:

  • If the  sign is present on the site, this means that it has been verified by the international card organization, which makes it relatively safer
  • Do not make payments from public-access computers
  • Please do not leave your card number or anyother personal data near your computer and do not display them anywhere visibly, such as in documents, files, etc.
  • Do not give your personal data or your card details  to anyone, in order to avoid abuse when paying online
  • Do not enter your PIN – when making online payments, you don't enter your card PIN, but a CVC (indicated on the back of the card itself).

Recommendations for keeping the PIN code and the banking card 

Keeping the Personal identification Number (PIN):

  • The PIN should be kept safe, since it is through it that you access your funds. No one but you should know your PIN
  • It is best to memorize your PIN - do not write it down or give it to another person
  • Do not keep you card and PIN together
  • Should you decide to change your PIN, please do not use any subsequent numbers or numbers which are easy to guess, like birthdates, your phone number, your car licence number, etc.

How to properly keep your banking card safe?

  • Please protect your card from mechanical damage like bending, breaking, scratching, damping.


TELEPHONE NUMBERS for contact in case of issues with the banking card ProCredit Bank:

Contact Centre phone number: *7000 or 0700 1 70 7; for contact us from abroad: +359700 1 70 70 or +35928135100+ 359 (0) 700 170 70 or *7000

Card Payments Department phone number: +359 (2) 813 5261; 813 5262; 813 5727;

BORICA: +359 (2) 970 26 00